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List of KDramas and Their Grades

To make your next drama selection a little easier, I have sorted all the Korean dramas I've watched into one list, ranked by grade. They...

Monday, August 25, 2014

New Rating System

As of right now I have a "watch/miss" in the title of each post, as well as a "top three/five/ten" at the bottom of most of my posts. Now that I've watched more than ten shows, it makes sense to tweak my rating system, and I'm just going to use what makes the most sense to me: letter grades. (Star ratings reminded me too much of Netflix, and I want to do my own thing :) 

It's also interesting to go back and think about those first few dramas I watched and how my opinion of what's good is slowly evolving with the more shows I see. So it's possible I will go back and change the rating of a show later on.

I will keep saying "watch" or "miss" in the title of all my posts, but from now on, I will also include a letter grade. Look for the grade directly beneath the name of the show or movie and above the synopsis. 

For the shows I recommend you watch, they will have an A or B letter grade. For everything I suggest you miss, I will give a C, D, or F letter grade.

I hope this helps enhance your visits to my page, and check back often!

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