Good Newwz (2019)
Viewing Platform: Amazon Prime
Varun and Deepti Batra have been trying to conceive for nearly 6 years, and the constant hinting from well-meaning family and friends has put a strain on their relationship. Varun's sister finally suggests they meet with a fertility specialist, who suggests in vitro fertilizaiton (IFV). Varun is skeptical about the entire endeavor, mocking the pamphlets and whining about his contribution, but Deepti convinces him to cooperate. Less than two weeks after the embryo is implanted, Varun and Deepti are called back to the clinic, with some astonishing and disturbing news: the lab technicians mixed up the sperm samples with another couple whose last name is also Batra! Will the couples try another round of IVF, or keep trying on their own? If both couples move forward with the mismatched genetic material, what does this mean for their families and their babies' futures??
*The premise is quite interesting; any time a story has these kinds of improbable, yet not entirely impossible scenarios, it draws the listener in and allows them to engage on a meaningful level. This is probably the best aspect of the film. The characters do consider abortion, but luckily the writers do not go that direction, instead valuing life. I didn't love the musical numbers, and some of the humor didn't translate well (I think some of the wordplay was between English, Hindi, and a third language I couldn't distinguish from Hindi, so those jokes were lost on me). I wouldn't watch this again, not because it was particularly bad, but because it was just "meh."*